Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Culture War

Since the election I have heard much in the media about the "culture war" going on in this country. Some reporters act as though this is a new phenomenon that has become apparent only since the election. If they were really paying attention, they would know that it has been going on for decades. They say that Bush won only due to fundamentalist Christians coming out in droves to vote for him. Who do they think these people voted for in 2000? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't Gore.

Why do these Christians vote Republican so steadfastly? Could it be the propensity of Democrats and liberals to strive so hard to eliminate God from the public arena and have an entirely secular society? Of course! Does separation of church and state mean that religion must be kept behind closed doors in a church, Synogogue or other religious edifice? I don't see it that way.

The whole point to the separation is to prevent the establishment of a State religion. The government should not promote one religion over another. This should not be construed to mean the State is required to stifle religious speech in the public forum. Such actions by government steps on everyone's right to freedom of religion and free speech also! While they cannot promote one religion over another, they have no right to actively work against religion as a facet of our society. I understand that there are some who would be offended by it since they are of a different religion or are atheist. Tough! Their right to not be offended is written where????? Their choice of religion or non-religion does not trump my rights! Many Christian faiths teach that it is every church member's duty to spread the word of God and work to convert non-believers. If they are told by the government to go sit down and shut up, are their rights to free speech and religion not infringed upon?

What about what is taught in our schools? I suggest that rather than making God a dirty word that cannot be uttered, that ALL religions should be studied equally. Make a point of explaining every one of them to our children- including telling them of how some people are Atheist or agnostic. This is teaching them about the different cultures of our world. Knowledge is good- Ignorance is NOT bliss. Exposure to other cultures might aid in better understanding throughout the world. Many liberals would be all for teaching about other religions but would balk at Christianity being among those that our children are exposed to. I know a couple of atheists. They aren't the slightest bit threatened by Islam, but talk of Christianity to them and they get defensive immediately. What are they afraid of? If they don't belive in a God, then they shouldn't feel threatened.

I am not an overly religious person. I don't attend a church regularly, but do consider myself a Christian. Some more zealous people have accosted me and told me that I can't be Christian if I don't attend regularly. Of course, they also say ONLY their church is the right one! They have every right to their beliefs and I have no right to shut them up. It is ultimately MY CHOICE as to what I will do. Isn't that what FREEDOM is?

1 comment:

KarbonKountyMoos said...

Hey Rocky!
I think that problems arise whenever anything is taken to an extreme... be it religion, animal rights, environmentalism, eating - anything!

That and the fact that too many people feel that,
"I'm right, you're wrong, and I'm not listening to you."

but that's just my Montana by way of New York opinion...