Sunday, April 15, 2007

Weather finally turns to spring?

We finally had some decent temperatures here in Billings today. Damn am I tired of the gray, wet and cold! I guess it will be yard work time soon. I have done some spring clean up, but mowing will soon follow. I get to pawn that off on my 14 year old boy though. He should have an easy time of it since we bought a new self-propelled Craftsman today. We looked at Toros, but they have plastic gears these days. Did you know that? The Honda looks nice, but for $700 it should!

I've been guilty of not posting much lately. Nothing exciting to talk about. I'm tired of Anna Nicloe and Don Imus (Don Imuschmuck?) I see Rosie is still an ignorant bitch though. She suggests Bush blew up WTC7. Imus is stupid, but Rosie takes the cake!


Shane C. Mason said...

Don't forget that Donald Trump has bad hair!

Happy Spring Rocky! Send that boy and new mower over the my house when he is done with yours.

Rocky Smith said...

I'm lucky if he gets mine mowed Shane. And is that really Trump's hair? Even if it is real, itlooks like roadkill resting up there.