Monday, January 23, 2006

Our friend Tony is at it again

"Rocky? I have your address, given to me by someone who knows and also doesnt like you. Watch your back and your mouth lest be held accountable for your stupidity." Says Tony.

Here we go again folks. What was my transgression against the all powerful Tony this time? I stated over at David Crisp's place that I am a conservative and Tony isn't. I didn't peg him as a liberal or a radical or anything else- just that he isn't a conservative. I figured that was a safe statement to make that even Tony would have to agree with. No such luck, I guess. For that he decides I need to be physically threatened AGAIN. I tire of this guy and his thought that he can win an arguement by threatening people.

Here's a response just for you, Tony, since you don't have the balls to allow comments on your own site(s):

First of all, I don't scare that easily. I have as much right to voice my opinion as you do sir. Go ahead and threaten me and send me pictures of yourself with no shirt on (unimpressive) and flying (rather poor form) the bird at me. I laugh that crap off with ease. Where did you learn that tactic from anyway? Stalin?

Secondly- Don't even think about messing with my family. If you do anything to make them even feel threatened, I'll have the law on your ass quickly! I won't tolerate you even letting them know you breathe Montana air. I would never do anything to cause any harm nor even slightly scare your beautiful wife and charming daughter. If you feel you must have it out with me, be man enough to leave our wives and children out of it.

Third- Be sure you have the right Rocky Smith. There are two of us living in this town. I get mail and phone calls for him all the time. I'd hate to see you go to jail for assaulting the wrong man. You might well deserve some jail time if you did this, but he wouldn't even know why you're angry with him. If you're going to Cynrock (his marketing firm) to find me, you're in the wrong place. You wouldn't need a private investigator to find me anyway. My name, adress and other information are not a state secret. I'm not going to publish them for you here. You might have to look for yourself. It'll probably take less than five minutes to find.

In closing- I'm not really sure what got you so ticked off this time anyway. Are you claiming I'm wrong to say you are not a conservative? I think even many of our local bloggers would readily agree with my statement. I didn't make the mistake (as I did once before) of trying to say you were a liberal or any other description- only that you're not a conservative. I'll stand by that statement. I must say I was a little suprised at your flaming reaction. I wasn't even attempting to get your ire up on that one. If I wanted to do that, I would have said much more than you aren't a conservative. Note that I have not threatened you ( aside from protection of my family) and I'm not even angry. I'm partly puzzled and mostly laughing about this whole affair. I won't be bullied into shutting up though. Don't bother with the threats any more, Tony. I doubt you are really crazy enough to assault me based on differing political views. We probably will never see eye to eye on much (aside from Walmart), but let's keep this a debate- not a fistfight. MAYBE you could win a fight of fists, but can you win a debate of words?


Rocky Smith said...

You did get one thing right- I didn't get that photo in an E-mail. It was on your old site at the top of the post where you first threatened me. I freely admit I got that part of our story wrong. I'll fess on that point, although where and how you threatened me seems a small point.

As to your second point- I never said that you threatened my family. I was warning you not to. Can you make out the difference? I'm not at all surprised that you must also be insulting to them. That shows a lot about you, Tony. Note that I was nice in referring to your family. You jerk.

I am not a fighter. I don't resolve problems by beating people up. Neanderthals do problem solving that way. Having said that, don't think for a minute that you scare me in the least. If you're so hot to come and do GBH to me, bring it on Tony. I'll feel for your charming wife and daughter that they'll need to visit your sorry ass in prison, but you would be the responsible person for that. I wouldn't have posted anything at all about you, but YOU posted threatening remarks about me. I'm only responding. The quote at the top of this page is an open threat. If I was really a pussy, I'd be having my attorney deal with you. I've had enough of your crap. I have never threatened you, but you have done so on more than one occasion. If you want to post threats to me on your website, assume that I will answer your garbage by letting anyone who reads this know what kind of guy you are.... and you're still not a conservative.

Shut up about me, stay off my blog and quit threatening me and I'll do you the same turn. Fair enough?

Rocky Smith said...

I never fear assholes that think the only way to win an arguement is to attempt to intimidate their opponent. Your attempt has miserably failed. You've done much to illustrate the kind of person you are though. Threats don't impress me. Go crawl back into your cave.

Rocky Smith said...

Let me state for the record that I did not say bad things about his wife and daughter- and wouldn't. That kind of attack is unwarranted, malicious and out of bounds of decency. Maybe some would consider my take on this as old fashioned. If so, then I'm guilty of that. I have never really met Mr. Lewis or any of his family. I have seen pictures of both on his website and found them both to be reasonably attractive. I stand by my statement that Tony went too far in his comments about my family. He has never seen any of us either- just wanted to raise my ire by taking shots at them. Calling them "fat" is a real laugher if you know them. Both are quite slim and, I think, very attractive. In any case, I won't stoop to the same thing Tony has done. I strongly disagree with him on a lot of things, but that's no reason to attack women and children. Please don't sink that low in my defense either.

AS to Tony's guitar restoration business- I really don't care if he is running without a business license in a residential section. I'll let his neighbors and the city worry about that if it bothers them. Whether he pays taxes or not is between him and the tax man. The finished work I have seen on his web-site looks quite good. That sort of work always seemed to be an art to me. It appears he has talent in this area. He may have had too much glue exposure though.