Thursday, January 06, 2005

Whacking the smoker

How I pine for 2004! Back when you didn't have to give up your left testicle to buy some smokes. I know all of you non-smokers hate we who pollute your air and think we should be made to pay. Well, we are paying dearly. As if we didn't already pay enough in taxes, the voters of this state decided we should pay $1.20 more per pack. It sure is nice when you get the opportunity to raise taxes on someone else, isn't it? Well, you'd better hope I don't ever get the chance to reciprocate! How about a tax on the obese, or on SUV drivers, or raising the cost of that adult beverage by a couple of bucks per glass?

I doubt any non-smoker reading this will hold any sympathy for smokers. I don't expect any. I just want to point out that taxes which aren't paid by EVERYONE are patently unfair. You can laugh at my plight if you like, but it might be your habbit that gets the big tax hike next. Did you ever think about that? When it happens, don't come to me for support.

I try to be a courteous smoker. I don't smoke around those who don't like it, even in my own home. I don't hang right next to the front door where you need to walk by. I understand your dislike for the smoke and try not to expose you to it. I severely doubt claims that a small amount of exposure to it will make you get cancer, but I respect your wishes to limit exposure.
Sure, I should quit. It sounds really easy, doesn't it? Trust me when I say it isn't.

In any case, the fine State of Montana will not be getting more tax money from my cigarette purchases. On the contrary, they will be getting ZERO, ZIP, NADA, Nothing in taxes because I will either purchase them from a local reservation or buy them on line. The only person you hurt was the owner of the store where I USED to buy them. By no fault of his own, he has lost my business. I feel sorry for him most of all.


david said...

Right on.

Monkey said...

The amount of taxes smokers pay - EVERYONE should be kissing their butts - it's the smokers who pay the BIG taxes and keep things rolling smoothly!

Rocky Smith said...

Don't count me among those who didn't bother to vote. I never miss it. I don't really blame the non-voting smokers though. We are less than 1/3 of the population these days. The vote might have been close if all smokers voted against it, but we were just too outnumbered by non-smokers to win. I will be watching for that tax on fat people though. Count on a yea vote from me on that one! Maybe you hunters should have your taxes doubled. Fishermen? Tax the crap out of them! SUV drivers? They obviously have the cash. Let's take it from them! Adult beverage drinkers? A six pack should cost at least $25.00, right? Who is next?