Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rosie has a strange "View"

Tueday on "The View", Rosie O'Donnell stated that Radical Christians are as large a threat to the United States as radical Muslims are! Come on Rosie! Show me where some radical Christians blew up thousands of innocent people. You simply can't. Some of them might even be dangerous, but there is no comparison. As far as being dangerous goes, radical Muslims are even more of a threat to Muslims around the world. They senselessly murder people every day. This woman has a right to her views, but this is totally wrong. I'm thinking that an apology to Christians isn't going to cover it. I don't watch the view- wonder why?


mdt1960 said...

But the radical Christian body is a strong and influential bunch; starting with our President who is arguably a member as well. And look where he has taken us. He claims we are much safer today than pre-9-11. Ask the Americans who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan if they feel safer today as Americans.

The radical Christians might not be "up front" like the radical Muslims, but don't fool yourself; there are countless others out there doing the dirty work for them (starting with our military).

And if a terrorist group with Muslim roots hits again (and likely bigger than 9-11), expect the sympathy from the rest of the world to be a small fraction of what it was in 2001.

Rocky Smith said...

I have five family members in the service,Morgan. They are keeping both you and I safe. They aren't doing it for the "Christian right". They protect ALL of us. And yes, we are doing okay. No attacks since 9/11. Don't let the left sell you a bill of goods.

Greywalker said...

Yea rocky your on top of reality, Guess you missed out on the oklahoma city bombing? where ya sleeping when a white christian male blew up 2000 people?
Could be you ignored jones town as well, nothing like a little coolaid to go with your serman.
Did ya forget about the Crusades? More people have died in the name of "god" than any other reason at all.
As far as the war in IRAQ, gee I guess you must think Clinton did a great job without going to war in IRAQ considering there was nearly nine years between two trade center bombings.
So ya need a reality check rocky, terrorists that supposedly did 911 were already in the united states, so we blew up Iraq for why exactly?

Rocky Smith said...


I certainly didn't miss the Oklahoma City bombing. You, however, flew past the point. I don't mean to suggest that there aren't nuts of every color, religion or nationality. There most certainly are. Right wing extremist Christians have done some horrific deeds, to be sure. They are a small speck measured against Muslim extremists, however. These fanatics kill someone somewhere in the world every day. I stand behind my previous statement that the latter group is a much larger threat and that there is no comparison between the two. Rosie is off the mark.

The Crusades arguement is a tired one. Ancient history, anyone? As for Jonestown, that was one I find hard to understand. Willingly commiting mass suicide is nuts. It still pales to flying a 767 into the WTC.
As to Clinton doing a great job? You must have forgotten the Embassy bombings in Africa and the USS Cole, among other attacks between the first WTC bombing and 9/11. Sending Cruise missiles in to hit baby formula (or was it aspirin?) factories doesn't impress me. Clinton was too busy getting BJs to concern himself with your safety.
There most probably are more terrorists in this country right now. Liberals will attempt to foil all attempts at finding them.