Monday, March 28, 2005

Living Wills

I hope everyone has learned something from the Terri Schiavo case. It is important that you get a living will to cover your wishes should something like that happen to you. Regardless of where you stand on Terri's case, you should do your loved ones the favor of not putting them in the place of the Schiavos and Schindlers. Let everyone know just what you think on the subject so these costly and apparently pointless legal battles can be avoided. Get it down on paper!

In my own case, I would like to be kept alive as long as there is reasonable hope. If my brain is as far gone as Terri's is, give up. Let me go peacefully. If there is hope of continued life, even if somewhat diminished, give me a chance please. I hope it never comes to that though. I'd rather die of a massive heart attack while making love or just plain slip away in my sleep. I'd much prefer the former though! Struck by lightning on the golf course wouldn't be bad either (after a hole in one!). Expiring while at work would be about the worst!


Abe said...

Rock, you don't have far to go before your brain stops working altogether. We'll continue to keep your body alive, though, as per your wishes.

Good to see you got your own blog. I'll add you to our roll at 2GL.

Monkey said...

My family has been keeping me alive despite being brain-dead for YEARS now!

Seriously - great advice - thank you - it needs to be said and said often.