I find the level of civility in discourse about politics to be falling into the gutter lately. It seems many are quite willing to belittle people who disagree with them and call them names. Both sides are quite willing to overlook facts if they are inconvenient and go for the throat of their political opponent. I'll not claim to be free of guilt on this point, but I try to avoid it and show at least a bit of respect for my opponent. My grandfather always told me to try to "be the better man" in an arguement. I try to remember that. Even if your opponent seems to deserve little respect, you'll feel better about yourself if you refrain from acting childish.
I'm not referring to any single person on this point. We need to debate positions and show each other courtesy. I find this lack of respect in a lot of places. Rush Limbaugh often disrespects people. He loses me when he stoops to that level. He's certainly not alone in doing this. Visit daily Kos and you'll find plenty there too. It alienates some and convinces few on the author's point. Unfortunately, it seems to be everywhere. It might help to admit when your debate opponent is right on some things instead of blindly ignoring their point while pursuing ideological superiority. That will lose you respect as well.
We have plenty of problems and concerns in our world today. Working toward coming together somewhere in the middle seems to be a better idea than the polarization that is happening now. Neither the "left" or "right" has all the answers. Most of us really aren't that extreme anyway. I agree with liberals on some points and conservatives on some others. It just seems counterproductive to fight each other so hard. We need each other if we are to do what needs to be done. Our nation would be better served if blatant partisanship died.