Thursday, September 15, 2005

Tony has spun out

Some of you might be familiar of Tony of . This guy is so far left that he is insulted if you call him a liberal. He wants to be referred to as a radical. I have to agree that he is. Recently, we have been jousting over the afteraffects of hurricane Katrina and the blame game following it. I posted a comment that stated Bush and FEMA did a poor job on relief efforts. I continued on, saying that if he was anywhere near fair, he'd admit that Governor Blanco and mayor Nagin had dropped the ball also. He refuses to admit that Blanco screwed up and hasn't called her on it in his own words at all. He did mention that SHE has recently accepted blame, but did HE call her on it or admit she was wrong too? Of course not! Everything is BUSH's FAULT! He is so whacked out that not only wouldn't he call Blanco on her mistakes, but he has ERASED EVERY COMMENT I made on his site about the matter. That, IMHO is just plain CHICKENSHIT! He now dumps any comment I post on his blog. I don't expect him to agree with me (far from it), just to at least engage me in honest debate. Apparently, he isn't up to it. I have visited many a left leaning blog and left comments that the blog's author disagrees with. The folks at Two good legs, Left in the West and Wulfgar all debate concepts and ideas with me fairly and honestly. They often disagree with me and might sometimes get perturbed by my posts- but they accept the challenge of fair and open debate. They are all good people and worthy of reading daily. Matt, at Left in the West has even convinced me to give a serious look at John Tester for Senate in the coming election (I'm not a big Burns fan).

I'm going to continue to post to Tony's blog every day. He's going to get worn out removing my comments. If any of you reading this are conservative, I suggest you drop by his site and leave a few comments of your own. Just don't expect to be heard fairly. He claims I get all my news from Fox, what he calls hateradio (Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly) and conservative blogs (yet I read his?) and that I know nothing. It so happens that I watch news from a variety of sources- Fox, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and read many liberal blogs. You might have seen some of my comments there.

By the way- note that I said what he did was chickenshit, but that I didn't stoop to calling him names (he calls me the Bushmonkey- strange since I freely stated that Bush and Co. blew it on hurricane relief) . I freely admit that I'm a conservative and tend to back Republicans but I have criticized the right on more than one occasion. I try to be honest and admit when I'm wrong. I don't erase comments from those who disagree with me. I welcome the debate and diversity of thought. You won't get blackballed here, not even if your name is Tony.

Update: I was going to continue posting comments to Tony's blog, but he has since threatened physical force. While the guy doesn't scare me in the least, I do have a family to consider. I'd like to think he is just a blowhard, but I'm not taking that chance. I guess I'll let the radical lie in peace.

His kick today is to refute my point that environmentalists have hampered levee construction through a lawsuit and many protests. He concentrates on that point since he still doesn't want to answer my suggestion that he should admit that Governor Blanco has fault in this mess as much as Bush does- and BOTH of them have admitted it this week. He wants to concentrate on one lawsuit back in 1997 over levees that were 97 miles outside New Orleans (and you know water won't go around a levee if it's 97 miles- that's too tiring- plus there isn't anyone living 97 miles outside the city limits I guess). No matter that they were working on over 300 miles of levees either. Gotta stop levee reinforcement to protect bottomland hardwood trees because they're more important than people. Let's also not mention that one of the main failed levees had already been reinforced. That big barge that smashed through it was probably Bush's fault too. I'm sure he loosened all the anchor points for barges while he was down there blowing up levees. Okay Tony- maybe you're right about the levees and I'm wrong. Maybe no envirowhackos ever slowed or stopped construction on levees. I'm certainly not an expert and I do want to be fair and admit to it if I'm wrong. Now- how about some words from you on the Governor? I didn't think so.

Oh- and as to your offer in the comments of this post- NO THANKS! I don't go that way. I doubt Craig or Dave are interested either, but you keep on trying. I won't judge you if you go both ways.